
Sustainable Procurement Club #3 - Season's gifts, zero waste, and the social and solidarity economy

The end of the year is always a good time to offer a gift to say thank you, to partners, customers or employees.
Companies also regularly organise events including catering services generating food leftovers which can be sources of waste. The decisions that will be taken are not without effect, and can be an opportunity to call on local resources that are often little known: the structures known as the SSE - Social and Solidarity Economy.

When? Thursday 4 July, 9.00am to 12.00pm
Where? ING / 26 place de la gare / 1616 Luxembourg
For whom? Anyone working in an IMS member organisation. People working in functions related to Procurement are particularly targeted for this workshop.
With who? Sandrine Grumberg, Demain Autrement

If you have any questions about this event, please contact laetitia.georgel@imslux.lu

Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos.
At the end of the event you will receive a certificate of attendance which you can provide to your HR department.
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