
Bonn Steichen & Partners’ motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg’s activities:

At BSP, we have always been attentive to various themes revolving around community involvement, environmental impact and sustainable development. Thanks to IMS’s support and precious expertise, we were able to introduce a CSR policy and more concretely introduce changes in order to make tangible our caring for people and for the environment. We strongly believe that being part of a network which can provide different expertise in this field can be an incredible value, especially for sharing know-how and best practices.


Bonn Steichen & Partners’ CSR policy:

Since 2021, Bonn Steichen & Partners has a Corporate Social Responsibility policy based on three pillars: DIVERSITY & INCLUSION, ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY, COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITY. We believe that diverse leadership teams make better and more innovative business decisions, leading to improved business performance. Diversity amongst employees is important to us and gender balance is one of our top priorities. BSP is committed to improve diversity and inclusion within the working environment, safeguarding those who may face inequality or harassment due to one or more of the nine “protected characteristics”. CSR at BSP includes a commitment to caring for the environment, and reducing negative and increasing positive environmental impacts. This includes impacts caused by our own operations, as well as those that arise from our supply chain. Last but not least, BSP preserves a budget to make monetary donations. These donations will aim to sustain arts, culture, education and community events, and alleviate those in need through donation to charitable causes or human service agencies.
BSP has also a CSR Working Group composed of both lawyers and supporting staff which meets regularly and put concrete actions forward. Isabel Høg-Jensen is the partner in charge for CSR at BSP.


Bonn Steichen & Partners’ CSR actions and frameworks:

Amongst the most important actions, BSP has been part of the “Zero-single-use plastic” project signing the Manifesto and reaching all the objectives. The activities put in place to support the initiative were:

  • Replacement of all plastic bottles with banded steel bottles and water fountains
  • Replacement of all plastic cups and drink stirrers, plastic plates and cutlery, both in the common areas of the firm and in our corporate “Get Together” parties;
  • Avoiding of balloons and stickers, plastic bags and plastic straws;
  • Preventing the consumption of snacks (with single-use packaging) at the vending machine, offering healthier and eco-friendly alternatives.

BSP is also amongst the signatories of the Diversity Charter. In this context, BSP approved a Cultural Celebration Day, which allows its members to take one contractual additional extraordinary day off per year to observe/celebrate a cultural event that holds personal significance for them. A “cultural event” shall be interpreted broadly to cover any event/occasion with links to the relevant BSP Member's ethnicity, religion, nationality, mother country, customs, or any art, sport or tradition that represents such person's way of life.
BSP implemented a Matching Gift Programme with the aim to providing matching funds to the charitable organisations members of the BSP team personally support. To maximize the impact of any charitable giving, BSP will match, Euro for Euro, donations made by eligible donors to the eligible non-profit organisations of their choice.