
Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg)'s motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg’s activities:

Participating in IMS Luxembourg's initiatives presents a strategic opportunity for Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. to reinforce our dedication to environmental and social responsibility. This commitment aligns with evolving stakeholder expectations, including those of customers, the Group and employees who increasingly value ethical and sustainable business approaches.
Engaging with IMS Luxembourg not only fosters collaboration with like-minded organizations but also provides access to valuable knowledge and resources on sustainable practices. By staying informed about the latest developments in sustainability, Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) S.A can proactively address regulatory changes as well as contribute to employee engagement and retention by enhancing morale and attracting talent that values working for socially responsible organizations. It also serves as a platform for banks to explore innovative solutions that drive operational efficiency and cost savings, contributing to long-term business resilience. 
In a more philanthropic view, a commitment to sustainability becomes a powerful tool for driving positive change. Ultimately, participation in IMS Luxembourg's activities enables us to not only address immediate sustainability challenges but also to proactively plan for a resilient and sustainable future in the dynamic landscape of the financial industry.


Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg)'s Sustainable Development Policy: 

Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. has robust environmental and human rights policies, along with a dedicated sustainability policy. These policies are imperative as they demonstrate our commitment to sustainable business practices. Collectively, these policies enhance stakeholder relations, positioning us as a responsible and forward-thinking financial institution.


Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg)'s Sustainable Development actions and frameworks: 

Mizuho Trust & Banking (Luxembourg) S.A. donne la priorité à une série d'initiatives visant à promouvoir une approche holistique du développement durable. Nous avons notamment mis en place un bureau dédié au développement durable qui s'occupe activement de la mise en œuvre de mesures visant à améliorer les pratiques durables dans l'ensemble de l'organisation. En outre, notre engagement en faveur du bien-être des employés se traduit par l'offre d'un régime de retraite complet et la mise à disposition d'un parking gratuit accessible à tous les employés. Les considérations sociales jouent un rôle central dans nos processus de prise de décision, reflétant notre engagement à créer un impact positif pour toutes les parties prenantes. L'ensemble de ces initiatives contribue à une approche globale qui s'aligne sur notre engagement en faveur de pratiques commerciales responsables.