
Promoting circular economy and social integration of refugees

Promoting circular economy and social integration of refugees

Acteur du projet

Afrilanthropy a.s.b.l.

Domaine d'intervention

Achats responsables

Description du projet

What if your pre-loved belongings had the power to get a new life and bring joy to a young refugee in Luxembourg?
As the war in Ukraine pushed millions of refugees across Europe, Afrilanthropy, a local NGO in Luxembourg started collecting and distributing hundreds of bikes to young refugees arriving in Luxembourg. The initiative had an immediate success gathering lots of interest and volunteers. After delivering over 300 bikes and other sports equipment, the NGO created app, which is designed to facilitate the distribution of used sports and musical equipment and generate direct connections between people, hence multiplying the potential for solidarity. By connecting people, the project aims at being a catalyst for social integration of refugees. Through this initiative many Luxembourg residents already had the chance to learn more about the refugee experience, particularly the profound feelings of grief and loss that characterize their lived experience. By donating sport items and musical instruments there is an opportunity to enrich both sides and trigger a new culture of solidarity and empathy. Riding the Rainbow, whose app was developed by Ukrainian developers, is now expanding across multiple countries and aims at providing the light of rainbow, as one of the Ukrainian mother defined the impact of the donation to her son, and connect millions in the greatest drive for solidarity and social integration. Ready to join the movement?
We are looking for strategic partners who are willing to formally endore the project and position itself into circular economy issues, involve its employees to use the app and volunteer for our organization, organize donations of relevant items (e.g. computer) via the app.
More on www.ridingtherainbow.com

Selected media coverage in Luxembourg

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